
10 Things You Didnt Know about Caroline Stanbury

Caroline Stanbury

If you watch Ladies of London, you know just who Caroline Stanbury really is. She’s a born and bred London native with a love of her gorgeous city, her kids and her husband. She is someone with a big personality and a lot of drive. She’s ambitious and she’s tough, and she doesn’t make any promises she’s not willing to keep. Caroline Stanbury loves fashion, and she has made it her life. Living in one of the most fashionable cities in the world, though, helps quite a bit. She began her career as a personal stylist many years ago, and she’s been making her way through the business and higher and higher on the corporate ladder every since she began. She’s not someone who wants to be bothered with petty drama, but she’s found plenty of it on her hit new reality show. Read on to find out more about the sassy London native known as Caroline Stanbury.

She’s a Dog Lover

She’s got herself a dog by the name of Buster, even though you might not see her as a particularly big animal lover. She has three kids and feels that they should grow up with animals of their own, and she loves dogs. She’s someone who does like animals, and it’s just one of the things that tends to surprise the masses as they learn more and more about what Caroline Stanbury is really like as a person. Who doesn’t trust a person that loves dogs, after all?

She has Three Kids

She doesn’t look as if she has three kids, but she does. She’s a devoted mother, too. She might have a penchant for being a businesswoman that seems prevalent in her life, but her kids are the most important part of her world. She says it all the time, and she is not shy sharing that information with anyone who is interested in learning more about Caroline Stanbury. She’s a mother, and she is proud of her three children.

She’s Always been in Fashion

A fashion lover her entire life, Caroline Stanbury cannot remember a time when she was not in the fashion industry as an adult. She likes to spend her time working hard on things such as her personal brand. She’s moving her fashion styling into lifestyle, too. She’s started her own lifestyle blog and she plans on making it the next big thing. Move over Gwyneth Paltrow and your Goop page; Caroline Stanbury is coming for you.

She’s got Major Clients

When Caroline Stanbury first got her start in the fashion industry, she was doing well. Now that she’s been in the business for so long, however, her list of clients has grown exponentially. She has some of the most famous actors, actresses and businesses in her little black book, and it’s something she does not have a problem discussing with the other ladies on her hit television show.

She’s not Everyone’s Favorite

She’s been accused of being a terrible boss and a terrible woman by some of the other women on her reality show, but Caroline Stanbury doesn’t seem to care very much. She does what she has to do to get ahead in the world and she feels that people who don’t like her are not worth her time. Perhaps that’s while she will be back for a potential third season when some of the other women who don’t like her much will not.

It Took her Over a Year to Agree to the Show

Did you know that even though she is one of the most famous reality television stars in England right now, Caroline Stanbury did not want to do this reality television show at first? She waited a year and-a-half to make her decision because she was unsure of it. She claims that London is not big on reality television and she did not want to bother with something so trivial. She’s glad she did it, though. She’s had a whole new world opened up to her, and she does not hate that.

She Knows she is Harsh

She’s accepted some criticism from her fans this second season as she’s been seen as a bit harsh, mean and potentially rude. Caroline Stanbury doesn’t know about that so much as she knows that she’s someone not interested in making niceties when they are not needed. She prefers honesty and not sugarcoating things because she feels that’s more productive and more her style. You cannot argue with that one, really.

She Thinks her Sister-in-Law is a Drunk

Sophie Stanbury is Caroline Stanbury’s sister-in-law and she’s had to ask her to tone down the drinking a little bit on the show since she feels she’s showing a side of herself that is not entirely accurate. Her sister-in-law, however, feels differently and does not care. She feels she’s having a great time with something that’s all about her. The two might have their differences from time to time, but they really are close and do enjoy one another tremendously.

She Wishes There Had Been a Reunion

There was a noticeable absence of a reunion shows after the LoL season two finale, and she wishes there had been one. Caroline Stanbury said she would have been very happy to sit in a room with the other women from the cast and get to the bottom of some of their issues. She feels as if they needed it, but claims that logistics made it impossible to film a reunion this year. Others say it’s because ratings were way down this season and the show might not be back.

She will be Back

Caroline Stanbury has no idea of her reality show will be picked up for a third season. However, if it is, she will be right there ready to sign a contract and make it onto television for a third season. That’s a big admission for someone who wasn’t even sure she wanted to do a first season for more than a year after she was asked.

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Delta Gatti

Update: 2024-05-31